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End Time Prophecy & Relevation

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The Importance of Understanding End Times

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Why is it important to understand end-time events? First, the most significant indication of the importance of understanding end-time events is that they are included in the Bible. If God did not consider them important, they would not be included in the Bible. Second, Jesus told us to watch for certain events related to the End Times, and the apostle Matthew cautioned us specifically to
understand the prophecy concerning the Abomination of Desolation (Mat. 24:15-27).

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Finally, failure to correctly understand end-time events can cause a Christian to be shaken in mind or troubled unnecessarily (2 Thes. 2:2-5). Some have even had their faith overthrown by incorrect teachings concerning end-time events (2 Tim. 2:17-18). A proper understanding of end-time events
appears to be important for steadfast Christian living and service.

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Fortunately, basic end-time events are not nearly as difficult to understand as some people think. On the other hand, correct understanding of end-time events is not a requirement for salvation (Rom. 10:9-10). When the Lord returns for His people, He will gather them whether or not they think it is the correct time for Him to return.

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Though we may go through hardships and
persecution, we do not have to go through them without His presence, comfort, or aid. (Heb. 13:5- 6; 2 Cor. 1:3-4; John 16:33; Ps. 23:4). As God was encouraging and strengthening the early Christians under Roman persecution, he will also strengthen and encourage each of us in any
persecutions we may suffer for His name.

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End-Time Events Are Not Always Described in Chronological Order
When studying end-time events, it is essential to understand that the order in which events are described in the Bible is not necessarily the order in which they occur. For example, if someoneread straight through the Gospels (Matthew through John) thinking it was one chronological
sequence, it would be very confusing.

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Sometimes in the Bible, certain events are described out of chronological sequence to emphasize or complete an important point. This is especially true in the Book of Revelation. For example: In Revelation 14:8, an angel declares that, “…Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city…”. After that, Revelation 17:3-7 describes what an angel told him about the evil activities of the harlot who was 8 Introduction End Times: Putting the Pieces in Place identified as Babylon (Rev. 17:5), “…that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth” (Rev. 17:18). Then later, in Revelation 18:1-2, John sees a repeat of the angel saying, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen…”, which he earlier recorded in Revelation 14:8.

What is Literal and What is Figurative?

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When studying end-time events, it is also important to make a distinction between descriptions that appear to be literal and those that are obviously figurative. Literal prophecies will occur exactly as described. Figurative prophecies will also occur, but they may not be obvious on the
surface. As a general guideline when studying end-time events, assume that all descriptions are literal unless the context insists upon a figurative understanding.

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It is also important to distinguish between two types of literal descriptions. The first type of literal event includes descriptions of what will be observed on earth. For example, the Abomination of Desolation (Mat. 24:14), the signs in the sun, moon, and stars (Mat. 24:29), and the construction of
an image of the Beast (Rev. 13: 14-15) are all literal events. All of these will be observable from anearthly vantage point.

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The second type of literal event includes those that take place in the spiritual or heavenly realm. These may appear to be symbolic since they describe strange events and creatures. Even though these are literal events described from heaven’s perspective, they will not necessarily be observed
by people on earth exactly as described. Examples of these types of descriptions include the four creatures around the throne of God (Rev. 4:6-8) and the angels pouring out the bowls containing plagues (Rev. 15:6-8; 16:1). While this is literally happening in heaven, people on earth will not seethe angels as they pour out the bowls, but they will see the results.

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Examples of descriptions that appear to be figurative include: the harlot (probably representing all false religion, Rev. 17:1-6) and the wine and winepress (representing God’s punishment of the ungodly during the Wrath of God, Rev. 14:9-10; 19:15). The exact interpretation of a figurative
description can sometimes be difficult to determine.

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The Beast will probably be a literal person (see page 25). In Daniel, the whole organization or kingdom from which he comes is also figuratively described as a beast (Dan. 7:7-11). In this description, the Beast (i.e., the Antichrist, an individual) is described figuratively as a little horn that is part of this organization or kingdom described by Daniel.

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Problems develop when too many end-time events are thought to be symbolic. Problems also occurif all end-time descriptions are taken as literal. It is generally best to consider end-time descriptions as literal (either as observed in heaven or observed on earth) unless the context definitely indicates that a figurative understanding is necessary.