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History of The Bible

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See Articles: Has The Text of The Bible Been Accurately Preserved?  on the website  _ plus _ Is The Bible Truly God's Word? _ and _ Why should I Trust the Bible? _ by . _ also Article:Crash-course in Bible history: How the Bible came to be _ on website 


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 Overview of Bible History

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We can't image where God came from.  We may know after we die, but there is no point in worrying about that now.  No one knows and you will miss God's blessing by procrastination. We have all we need to Believe for now. God knows our Hearts.  

The most important thing we can do is to ask God to send His Holy Spirit, as He promised, to dwell in our soul and guide us. Some may need to know more in order to feel their faith has a solid base.  Others may accept God's Word and give Faith immediately, but it's important not to wait as we don't know how much time we have. The Bible Gospels gives us all the answers we need to understand and then further study and education about the Bible will solidify our belief so we can share with others. We have Missionaries throughout the world to share the 'Good News' of Salvation to peoples who have not heard.  

God also states that He has known use since before we were born and He has created some people who have been Chosen and Called.  However, He also says that He desires all people to be Saved and come to Him.  We all have the Choice, but He knows that many will refuse to believe and will be lost.  God is Love but also an Honest Judge and cannot forgive those that He knows are Lost and purposely Disobedient. God knows our hearts.  History shows that He took away those that were evil and lost. The biggest example was the Great Flood.  Before that, there were other beings that were evil.

"And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart."_ Genesis 6:5-6

That's not to mean that we won't sin as we are only human and will always sin.  The difference is that those that truly love God are repentant and are always working to grow in God's Word.  Again God knows our Hearts. There must be a change in our lives.

In the Old Testament times, God commanded that people sacrifice, to show their love and repentance to God. There were many rules listed, but most most prominent was that They were to give their best perfect Lamb (or other animal) as a Burnt Offering: an offering of ascent, where the whole animal was consumed by fire on the altar as a symbol of complete surrender to God. 

Jesus wasn't born yet, although He was in Heaven with God, so this was to prepare man for when Jesus came down into the World as God/Man, the Perfect Lamb to bear our sins and be a Sacrifice in place of our own punishment.

The 'Good News' is that, after Jesus came, man no longer has to follow rules and sacrifice on an alter. Jesus took care of that.  He became the Perfect Lamb of God Sacrifice.  God knows the People of the Old Testament Times, under the Old Covenant, and they were saved by their faith, obedience, and love of God.

Reference to Jesus is in every book of the bible in some example Is Jesus in Every Book of the Bible?  [ See Link:  '' ] 

There is no other Religion or Belief that has the Scientific and Hisorical Proofs.  No other religion had a Risen Lord (Jesus Christ) that was seen by over 600 after death. No one has been able to find errors in The Holy Bible (See discussion on this later.) Over 600 years, people have given their whole life goal to proving it wrong and many became Christian Believers after such research.  Creation has scientific proof.  And to the dismay of many, Evolution does not have this proof, e.g., Macro Evolution vs. Micro Evolution.  In fact, every year, more and more writings of Evolutionay Theory have been debunked. Scientists want to hang onto their Belief for many reasons, mostly Income/Career and also for a Political  World View. [ See Tab page:  Creation vs Evolution ' ]


Bible History:

1.) God, in three persons: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, has been since the beginning. According to the Bible, Jesus Christ is referred to as the Word of God and God. 

 John 1 refers to Jesus as the Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made."_ John 1:1-3 

2.) "The Word (Jesus) became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth."_John 1:14  [See Tab Page: 'The Trinity']. 

3.)The Bible says that Jesus Lord God created the Universe and the World and then Animals and Man. (See Tab Pages: "Creation" and Science Shown in Creation".]

4.) God created the Angels in Heaven. One Angel, Lucifer, was the most beautiful and special to God.  However, pride took over Lucifer and he wanted to be above God.  He took many Angels with him and fell to earth.  Now Lucifer is called Satan and The Great Deceiver.

5.) God put the first humans, Adam and Eve in Paradise.  He only told them they could eat of everything but not the apples.  However, Satan, told Eve that God was a liar and that if she ate of the apple, she would know the ttuth.  Eve gave the apple to Adam and he ate of it.  This was the first sin of man and God banned them from paradise.  He put future punishments upon man (and women) in the future because of this sin and disobedience.

6.) God wrote the Bible through inspiration that He gave to select men who became Disciples and Apostles.  We don't need to know how He did this as He made the World and the Universe, so surely He could write the Bible in this way.

7.) The Holy Bible is in two Parts:  The Old Testament (Under the Old Covenant of God) which has 39 Books, not including some extra books that Jewish people have in their Torah, and The NewTestament (Under the New Covenant of God)  which has 27 Books includint Revelation which reveals the End Times. There are many commentaries on each Bible Book for further explanation. Most Jewish People do not follow the New Testement as they are still waiting for their Savior and many do not accept that Jesus was God. Although the people of Israel are God's Chosen People, He said that he would blind the eyes of the heart for those who were against Him.  In the end, God will send Messengers to wittness to all as a last chance.  However, there are many Jewish Believers such as Jews for Jesus.

8.)  God stated in The Old Testament that Israel and the Jewish People were  His chosen people.  Jesus was born to a Jewish woman from Nazerth in Isreal. Her name was Mary and she was a Virgin.  God sent Angel Gabriel to her to let her know now to be afraid and that she would give birth to The Savior and he should be called Jesus.

"God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth with a message for Mary, who was promised in marriage to Joseph. The angel told Mary that she would have a son, whom she was to name Jesus. The angel said, “He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High God.”  

"Mary asked how this could be as she was a virgin. The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and God’s power will rest on you.” He also told Mary that her elderly relative Elizabeth was six months pregnant, for there is nothing that God cannot do. Mary replied, “I am the Lord’s servant”."_(Luke 1:26-38)  

9.) The Old Testament gives the Geneoloty/Ancestry line of people, so History is proven, and shows the line of tribes leading to the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, Israel.

10.) There were many centeries and leaders, events and wars in the Old Testament Times. These are described in detail in the Bible and on this website.  ( See Tab Page: "People of the Bible."] Many lessons from God are to be learned from these events and stories.

11.) One of the first big events, after Adam and Eve, was the Globel Flood.  God chose Noah and selct family members to build an Ark to specific specification and God sent types of animals in pairs for him to protect.  Noah was obedient and God provided. The Ark design has been shown to be perfect to hold up in a flood of this kind. The animals that God sent were likely young and smaller and only types. so not every creature was sent becuase they would evolve to live in certain locations and weather. The was the beginning of the newer Earth and Mankind.

12.) Another big Event was the birth of Moses and the captivity of Israelites in Rome for many years.  Moses is considered the most important person in the Jewish and Christian Religion.

13.) Exodus ia a Book which describes, after the 10 plagues, the freeing and escape of the Israelites from Rome and, with Moses as their leader, their 40 years in the desert looking for the Promise Land. God provided Mana for them to eat. God gave Moses miracles to show he was with God such as the striking of a rock for water and the serpent cane.

14.) Moses goes up the mountain and meets God.  The Ten Commandments were written by God into Stone.  [See Tab Page: ["The Ten Commandments"] In the meantime, the Israelites were disobedient and built false statues to worship.  They were punished by not reaching The Promise Land.  Only Joshua and   were allowed to enter.

15.) The fall ofthe Walls of Jerico was another important event where Joshua believed in God and followed his instructions.

16.)   TO BE CONTINUED............

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