Art-Picture 'Light Shining On An Open Bible' - heading

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The Difference Between the World and The Church

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Contents Of This Page

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Copy of small red square bullet.j  Something To Realize
Copy of small red square bullet.j  Why Christians Share The Good News
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Something To Realize

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red-and-gold-rectangle-design-2    MANY people don't go to Church because they feel Church people are just Hypocrites and Sinners.  That's a major misunderstanding.

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red-and-gold-rectangle-design-2    GOD'S Word in The Holy Bible says that 'everyone' is a sinner to more or less extent.  There is not one that is sinless - not one.  Since the fall of man, we all inherit a sin nature which is unacceptable to The Lord. _ Romans 3:9-26
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artist block appearance of Christ by Ricci Image Christmas Prayer

heading christmas prayers

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red-and-gold-rectangle-design-2   THE difference is that people that attend a Christian Church know they are all sinners and need help, wisdom, community, and guidance.  The Worldly Culture doesn't realize they are the same sinners too.

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red-and-gold-rectangle-design-2   ONLY Jesus, The Savior, who was sent by His Father in Heaven to die for our sins, can give us forgiveness, a changed nature, and acceptability.  See Tab Page: The Holy Spirit

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red-and-gold-rectangle-design-2   IF people sincerely repent of their sins and accept the Gift of Jesus, they can be saved and receive a blessed eternal life in Heaven.   See Tab Page: Salvation Information

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image mark 16 to spread the word

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Why Christians Share The Good News

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red-and-gold-rectangle-design-2    WHEN a person becomes a true believer in God's Word about Salvation, they realize their responsibility to share with others. _ Mark 16:15

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red-and-gold-rectangle-design-2    AS an example, if you saw a fire starting in the corner of a neighbor's house, would you not want to warn them?  Of course, they can choose to ignore the warning, but at least you tried.  It's in God's hands.

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red-and-gold-rectangle-design-2    IT'S been over 2,000 years since Jesus was on earth.  It started with just 'The Twelve Disciples and Followers of Jesus' to spread the Word.   Then He sent out 'The Seventy' more, two by two, to share The Good News.  Spreading the truth, face-to-facem with others has proven to work best.  More than enough evidence is available for those that seek the truth.

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artist block appearance of Christ by Ricci

artist block appearance of Christ by Ricciimage jesus sending out the seventy two

heading christ sending out the seventy disciple

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red-and-gold-rectangle-design-2    NOW, Christianity has spread throughout the whole world.  Missionaries give their lives to go into unreached tribal group areas to translate The Holy Bible into their native language.  God can reach people that He has chosen and called, even if they are on a secluded island. Angels can still bring the Word.

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red-and-gold-rectangle-design-2    MANY people, past and present, have created a new religion.  Sometimes it's through sincere belief and opinion.  They have been fooled by Satan 'The Great Deceiver'.  Or they want to change parts of God's Word that they don't like.  Sometimes it's from people who wish to gain power and wealth such as The Prosperity Gospel.

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red-and-gold-rectangle-design-2    AND according to some estimates, there are roughly 4,200 religions, churches, denominations, religious bodies, faith groups, tribes, cultures, movements, or ultimate concerns in the world right now, including Atheism.  There can be only one truth !

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image psalm 19_1  the heavens declare the glory of God

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red-and-gold-rectangle-design-2    IT'S understandable that most people have been raised in a certain religion or belief.  As long as it doesn't go against God's Word, the cultural celebrations can still be kept with family and community.  It's important for people to know about Jesus as the only Savior.  He is the intermediator between God and Man. _ Psalm 19:1-14

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There Can Only Be One Truth!

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