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Art-Picture 'Light Shining On An Open Bible' - heading

White Block for Spacing 35 x 35

Image White Block for Spacing

image still editing

White Block Space 60 x 60

The Human Body: DNA, RNA, and Atoms

Image White Block for Spacing

image atoms in the human body

White Block Space 60 x 60

red-and-gold-rectangle-design-2    YES, the human body is made of atoms, which are the basic building blocks of all matter. The human body contains around 10^27 atoms, or a billion billion billion atoms.

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red-and-gold-rectangle-design-2   ATOMS are the basic units of matter that cannot be created or destroyed. However, atoms can be transformed into different forms of energy. For example, when an atom collides with an antimatter atom, they annihilate each other and produce high-energy light rays. Atoms can also combine with other atoms to form different elements and compounds.

White Block Space 60 x 60

red-and-gold-rectangle-design-2   THIS can show the truth of our souls living forever - as Jesus showed in His resurrection and God's Word in The Scriptures state.  It is either with God (Heaven) or away from God (Hell).

Image White Block for Spacing