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The First Step - Understand the Need

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Contents of This Page
small brown gold square bullet.   The Need for A Savior
small brown gold square bullet.   The Bible is Word of God
small brown gold square bullet.   Only One Truth
small brown gold square bullet.   Many Proofs
small brown gold square bullet.   The Sacrafice of Jesus
small brown gold square bullet.   The Gift of Jesus

small brown gold square bullet.   Repentance

small brown gold square bullet.   Salvation

small brown gold square bullet.   A Sinner's Prayer

small brown gold square bullet.   Forgiveness

small brown gold square bullet.   The Alternative

small brown gold square bullet.   Be Born Again
small brown gold square bullet.   Salvation
small brown gold square bullet.   A New Life
small brown gold square bullet.   Transformation
small brown gold square bullet.   The Holy Spirit
small brown gold square bullet.   Salvation Assurance
Related Resources
small brown gold square bullet.   The Next Step
small brown gold square bullet.   God's Plan
small brown gold square bullet.   The Trinity
small brown gold square bullet.   Bible Prophecy
small brown gold square bullet.   The Miracles of Jesus
small brown gold square bullet.   The Importance of Israel

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The Need For A Savior

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red-and-gold-rectangle-design-2    THERE is a lot to know but so little you really need to do to be saved. It will be the best  2 minutes you've ever spent! 

red-and-gold-rectangle-design-2    WHEN you are spiritually ready: See Tab Page: Jesus Gift & A Salvation Prayer and The Next Step

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~ It's A Real Urgency ~
We Don't Know How Long We Have!

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red-and-gold-rectangle-design-2    THE Word of God says in The Holy Bible: “There is no one righteous, not one ...” _ Romans 3:10

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red-and-gold-rectangle-design-2    ARE some more righteous than others? Are they “not so bad”, “decent”, “religious”, “charitable”, or “sinless”?

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red-and-gold-rectangle-design-2    NO!  God doesn't see some worse than others.  All must repent or perish. If we don’t ask for forgiveness, we won’t receive it.  God knows our heart, and some are chosen and called, and some are whom God seeks.  He knew us from the beginning before we were born.

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red-and-gold-rectangle-design-2    HOWEVER, God wishes for all to come to Him and be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth.

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 God Wants All People To Be Saved

"This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time." _ 1 Timothy 2: 3-6

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Articles Below:

Why do we Need A Savior?  by GotQuestios.org

How Do I Know I'm Saved?  by Billy Graham

[ Also See Tab Page: Jesus Gift & A Salvation Prayer ]

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Why Do We Need A Savior?

See Article from:  GotQuestions.org

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Humanity needs a Savior. To give an exhaustive answer to why we need a Savior would require encyclopedic volumes of information. In our limited space, we will present some ideas, based on what the Bible says, about why we need a Savior.

First, let us understand the term we in this question to be technically inclusive; that is, when we say, “we need a Savior,” we mean that every person who has ever lived needs a Savior. Also, we should note that the term savior enjoys a somewhat broad use in the Bible; anyone who performs an act of rescue or deliverance may be designated as a “savior”—examples include the judges Othniel and Ehud (Judges 3:9, 15). God Himself (and not just Jesus specifically) is also called “Savior” (Isaiah 43:11; 45:21–22; 60:16). In this article, to avoid confusion, we will use the word Savior to designate Jesus Christ.

The reason we need a Savior has its roots in the nature of God and the nature of man: first, the Bible says God has a plan and human beings are critical to that plan. Second, God is holy, and He cannot abide in sin. Third, every human being has sinned, and every human has an intrinsic sin nature.

The difficulty for us is that living with God requires sinless perfection, and none of us is perfect. So God cannot accomplish His goals without first fixing humankind. That is why we need a Savior—and Scripture identifies Him as Jesus Christ (Luke 2:11; Titus 2:13–14).

We need the Savior, Jesus, because we need to be made holy: “without holiness no one will see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14). Jesus does not simply make us better people; nor does He boost our godliness or augment our holiness—we have none to begin with. Rather, He makes us completely new creatures (2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 6:15).

The plan of God for humankind. We need a Savior because God plans for us to bring Him glory (Isaiah 43:7) and enjoy His fellowship forever (Psalm 27:4). He desires to conform us to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29).

The Self-Existent One did not create the cosmos to entertain Himself. He did so to cultivate relationships with beings made in His image (see Genesis 1:27). God (as a social and moral agent) desires to have His creation love Him and thrive. The fact that we (as volitional beings) fell into sin and rebellion means that we need a Savior, or God’s plan for us cannot be realized. In His love, God sent the Savior—His only begotten Son—so He could fit us for eternity and showcase His glory.

The holiness of God. With over 900 biblical references to the holiness of God, its importance to His creation cannot be overstated. The Bible teaches that we should pursue holiness (1 Peter 1:15).

Jesus taught that we should approach God with the understanding that He is holy (Matthew 6:9). We need a Savior because God is too pure to abide sinfulness: “Your eyes are too pure to look on evil; you cannot tolerate wrongdoing” (Habakkuk 1:13). Without a Savior, God’s word to us would only be “away from me, you evildoers!” (Matthew 7:23).

The sinfulness of humankind. In Romans 3:10–18 Paul brings passages from Psalms and Isaiah into a discussion of the law. In so doing he uses Scripture to conclude with confidence that every person has sinned (Romans 3:23). Every person therefore requires remediation. We cannot cast off our sin any more than a leopard can change its spots (Jeremiah 13:23). “There is no one righteous, not even one” (Romans 3:10; cf. Psalm 14:1).

God says in no uncertain terms that everyone is a sinner, even the ones who don’t think they are (see 1 John 1:8). What this means is that everyone needs a Savior, even the ones who don’t think they do.

The necessity of a Savior. To summarize, God has a plan. It is perfect, and He won’t change His mind about executing it. His plan involves us humans, though, and we are sinners through and through. Since God is holy, He cannot tolerate the presence of sin, and, unless He somehow cleanses us, it is impossible for Him to work His eternal plan with us. Those who are not cleansed—those who are not saved—must be separated from God for all eternity. God’s solution: offer the perfect sacrifice, once and for all, to cleanse us of sin and reconcile us to Himself. This He did with His Son on the cross.

We need a Savior because we cannot save ourselves. We need a Savior because, without Christ, we are described as “having no hope and without God in the world” (Ephesians 2:12, ESV).

We need a Savior, and God has provided one. Jesus saved us as a demonstration of God’s love and as a function of His mercy. Now, “having been justified by his grace, we . . . become heirs having the hope of eternal life” (Titus 3:7). Jesus’ sacrifice unlocked everything for us—and if there were any other way for God to work His plan without compromise, He would have chosen that over the humiliation of the cross (see Luke 22:42). The fact that Jesus did indeed die on the cross is proof enough that we need a Savior.

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RELATED ARTICLES                                                                                                        What does it mean that Jesus is the Savior?
  What does it mean to believe in God?
  What does it mean to trust in Jesus?
  What does it mean that Jesus saves?                                                                                                        What is the way of salvation?

Making Sense of Salvation by Wayne Grudem

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How Do I Know I’m Saved? 

A Message from Billy Graham

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Some people doubt that they are actually Christians. They want to be, but feel like they are missing the joy of the Christian faith. The dreadful uncertainty that haunts many people grows out of misunderstanding what the Christian experience is. Some people don’t seem to know the nature of Christian conversion, while others have been misinformed concerning conversion and seek an experience that is not biblical. Many confuse faith with feeling. Faith always implies an object—that is, when we believe, we must believe something. That something I call the “fact.” Now let me give you three words that will help you understand the Christian life: fact, faith and feeling.

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They come in this order, and the order is essential. In this order, you will have the joy and confidence of one who can say, “I know whom I have believed” _ 2 Timothy 1:12. First, you are saved through a personal faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ as defined in the Scriptures. The Gospel refers to the news of Christ’s death and resurrection in order to pay the penalty for our sins and provide a way to eternal life. Though it might at first seem dogmatic and narrow-minded to you, the fact remains that there is no other way to be saved from your sins than by God’s grace through your faith in Christ. The work of Christ is a fact, His cross is a fact, His tomb is a fact and His resurrection is a fact.

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It is impossible to believe anything into existence. The Gospel did not come into being because men and women believed it, and Christ’s tomb wasn’t empty three days after His death because His followers believed it. The fact preceded the faith. We are psychologically incapable of believing without an object of our faith. Christians do not call upon people to believe something that is not credible, but to believe in the fact of history. Trusting in Christ for your eternal salvation is trusting in a fact—not in a figment of someone’s imagination. Faith is the second of these three words. Faith is rationally impossible where there is nothing to believe. Faith must have an object. The object of Christian faith is Christ. Faith means more than agreeing with the claims of Christ; faith involves the will—a decision to believe in Christ.

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If you say with your mind and your heart, “Yes, I believe in Christ and receive what He has done for me”—that He died for my sins—then you have eternal life. Faith, then, means surrender and commitment to the claims of Christ. It means acknowledging sin and turning to Christ. We do not know Christ through the five physical senses, but we know Him through the “sixth sense” that God has given every man and woman—the ability to believe. Feeling is the last of the three words, and it must remain last in your thinking. I believe that earnest and honest seekers for the salvation of God have unrest and uncertainty when they think they must have some kind of emotion to make conversion a true experience.

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If you are seeking salvation as it is presented through the Scriptures, you will want to know what kind of experience the Bible says you should have. Maybe you went to a church altar, to an inquiry room, or knelt beside your radio or TV when an invitation was given to receive Christ. You heard the message, and you knew that you were a sinner in need of a Savior. In your lost and hopeless condition, you looked to Christ for salvation. You believed that He could and would save you. Maybe you read His invitation to sinners: “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” _  Matthew 11:28.

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I have read carefully through the New Testament to see just what kind of experience you are entitled to. I have looked to see what the nature of the experience of conversion is, and I have found that the New Testament reveals only one: the experience of faith. Believing is an experience as real as any experience, yet multitudes are looking for something more—some electric sensation that will bring a thrill to their physical bodies, or some other spectacular event.

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Many have been told to look for such spiritual thrills, but the Bible says that a man is “justified by faith” (Romans 3:28), and not by feeling. A person is saved by trusting in the finished work of Christ on the cross and not by bodily sensations and religious ecstasy. Still, you might say, “Is there no place in saving faith for any feeling?” Certainly there is room for feeling, but we are not saved by it. Whatever feeling there may be is the result of saving faith, but feeling never saved a single soul. When I understand something of Christ’s love for me as a sinner, however, I respond with a love for Christ, and love has feeling.

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Those who love Christ also have a confidence in Him that raises them above all fear. To have a guilty conscience is also a feeling, and the Bible teaches that Christ cleanses the conscience: “How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!” _Hebrews 9:14.

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To have a guilty conscience cleansed and to be free from its constant accusation is an experience, but it is not the cleansing of the conscience that saves you. It is faith in Christ that saves. A cleansed conscience is the effect of a right relationship with God. Joy is a feeling as well. So is inward peace. Love for others is a feeling. Concern for the lost is a feeling. But these feelings are not conversion.

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Again, the only experience you can look for and expect is the experience of believing in Jesus Christ. Finally, someone might say, “I believe the historic facts of the Gospel, but nothing has changed for me. I don’t think I’m saved.” Perhaps you are not, for the faith that saves has one distinguishing quality: Saving faith is a faith that produces obedience. It is a faith that brings about a way of life. Some have successfully imitated this way of life for a time, but for those who trust Christ for salvation, that faith brings about a desire to live out that inward experience of faith. It is a power that results in godly living.

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