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Jesus Gift & A Salvation Prayer

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purple and blue picture of a gift with the written  bible  quote John 3:16

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  A Prayer for Forgiveness 

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Red and Gold Rectangle design 2   THE Purpose for a Salvation Prayer or A Sinners Prayer is because we are all sinners to different extents – big and small. The Scriptures say that everyone is a sinner after the fall of man, and no one is good enough or can earn a place in Heaven, not one.

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Red and Gold Rectangle design 2   Even baptism is a symbol of your belief and obedience, but baptism alone won't get you to heaven. To be saved, you should humbly realize and admit you are a sinner and sincerely ask forgiveness for your sin, and that you believe that Jesus is the Son of God and is your Savior that died on the cross for your sins.  Jesus taught that He is the only way to Salvation.  [Jesus said “ I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you really know me, you will know me by my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” -  John 14:6-7 ]

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Red and Gold Rectangle design 2   GOD knows your heart, so don't just say the words and continue to live the way you always have.  If you don't feel the difference in your longings for sinful things, perhaps you weren't saved in the first place and must try again with an open heart.  Once you receive The Holy Spirit you will find you don't desire the bad things of the past.  You can't lose your salvation, but be sure you truly are saved as you now want to start to live your life the way Jesus would approve. You will never be alone again. We all fall, but God knows when you are sincerely trying. As you grow in Christ, this is called Sanctification.

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Image The Power of Prayer by Danny Hahlbohm

image title power of prayer  by danny hahlbohm

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Red and Gold Rectangle design 2   WE are human and will never be perfect. Jesus was the only perfect Human as He was God Incarnate. (God come down as Man.) He is our example and our Savior who voluntarily died on the cross and whose blood covers our sin. That's why He was sent. In ancient times, the Jewish people were told in the Old Testament to give a blood sacrifice from a perfect lamb to cover their sins. This was setting up the example of a coming Savior, Jesus, whose blood covers our sins. Jesus is the Lamb of God.

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Red and Gold Rectangle design 2   A following prayer expresses the desire to transfer trust to Christ alone for eternal salvation. If its words speak of your own heart’s desire, praying them can be the link that will connect you to God.

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Red and Gold Rectangle design 2   You can also say what's in your heart as your own prayer as long as it is done with repentance and  belief that Jesus is The Son of God and desire to let Jesus be your guide from now on.

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~ Here is a Shorter Sample of A Salvation Prayer ~

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~ A Salvation Prayer ~
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Dear God,

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I know I am a sinner. I want to turn from my sins, and I ask for Your forgiveness.

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I believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe He died for my sins and that You raised Him to life.

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I want Him to come into my heart and to take control of my life.

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I want to trust Jesus as my Savior and follow Him as my Lord from this day forward.

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In Jesus' Name. _ Amen.

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  ~ See A Longer Version of A Savation Prayer Below ~

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~ A Salvation Prayer ~

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Dear Lord God,

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I know that I am a sinner and there is nothing that I can do to save myself.

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I confess my complete helplessness to forgive my own sins or to work my way to heaven.

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At this moment, I trust Christ Jesus alone as the One who bore my sins when He died on the cross.

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I believe that He did all that will ever be necessary for me to stand in your holy presence.

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I thank you that Christ was raised from the dead as a guarantee of my own resurrection.

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As best as I can, I now transfer my trust to Him.

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I am grateful that He has promised to receive me despite my many sins and failures.  Father, I take you at Your word. 

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I thank you that I can face death now that you are my Savior.

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Thank you for the assurance that you will walk with me through the deep valley.

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Thank you for hearing this prayer.

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In Jesus’ name, Amen

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  More About Salvation

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Red and Gold Rectangle design 2   THERE is much basic information on this website, 900+ pages, to justify the truth and for consideration to gain knowledge, you don't need to be a scholar to believe and be saved so you know for sure you will go to heaven to reside with God forever.

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Red and Gold Rectangle design 2   YOU just need to be open to God and He will reveal the truths to you over time as you need.  You may not feel any different and you will still have independence, but once The Holy Spirit resides in you, you will have more of a conscience about your choices and convicted. 

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Red and Gold Rectangle design 2   You will feel a personal relationship with Lord Jesus and will want to please him.  Since we are all humans, we fail and fall, but we will keep trying in good faith. 

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Red and Gold Rectangle design 2   As time goes on, once you are Born Again and you have The Holy Spirit guiding you in your heart and mind, you will grow in Sanctification. If you truly receive The Holy Spirit, you won't lose your Salvation as Jesus already died for your sins.

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Red and Gold Rectangle design 2   THE only unforgiveable Sin is the Denial of The Holy Spirit. God may not give you a second chance.

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Red and Gold Rectangle design 2   IF you are here to sincerely learn, then God is likely calling you.  You are one of the select if you sincerely choose to accept the Gift of Jesus through the Grace of God. Much information is written in The Holy Bible about a real Heaven and a real Hell (Lake of Fire), and Judgment Day, so don't wait to make a decision.

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  Image You must be born again

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Image Butterfly and Cocoon

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Do You Know How Much Time We Have Left?

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  photo of hourglass by goodsalt

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Red and Gold Rectangle design 2   GOD knows your heart, so don't just say the words and continue to live the way you always have.  Be sure you truly are saved as you now want to start to live your life the way Jesus would approve.  You will never be alone again. 

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Red and Gold Rectangle design 2   WE all fail, but God knows when you are sincerely trying.  As you grow in Christ, this is called Sanctification.  We are human and will never be perfect.  Jesus was the only perfect Human as He was God Incarnate. (God come down as Man.)  He is our example and our Savior who voluntarily died on the cross and whose blood covers our sin.  That's why He was sent. 

Light Blue Block for Spacing 79 x 60

Red and Gold Rectangle design 2   IN ancient times, the Jewish people were told in the Old Testament to give a blood sacrifice from a perfect lamb to cover their sins.  This was setting up the example of a coming Savior, Jesus, whose blood covers our sins. Jesus is the Lamb of God.  We no longer are required to give blood offerings to be forgiven.  It is done for us by Jesus!

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Red and Gold Rectangle design 2   THERE is a lot to know to Solidify your Beliefs, but so little you really need to do to be Saved.    IT will be the best 2 Minutes you've ever spent!

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Red and Gold Rectangle design 2   THE first Step is Realization that you are a sinner and need a Savior.  THE Second Step is Faith that God through The Holy Spirit, sent by Jesus, will provide the keys. 

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Image - True Peace

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See Tab Pages: 

The First Step - Understand the Need

The Next Step - Being Born Again

Why We Need A Savior

Assurance of Salvation


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